Visualize your data

Using Power BI


Completed projects


Job success


Years of Collective Experience

Completed Projects
1 +
Job success
1 %
ROI with Power BI
1 %
Years of ecollective experience
1 +
What we do

Help organizations improve their profitability with actionable-insight.

Our model is 50% more cost & time-effective.

Excel to BI

Automate Excel reports into Power BI dashboards for enhanced visualization (with documentation).

Custom Dashboards

Custom-tailored Power BI solutions for efficient data visualization across multiple data sources.


Resolve Power BI issues for accurate and reliable reporting (data feeds, inaccuracies related to calculations, report output discrepancies, etc).

Data Quality Audit

Ensure data integrity through comprehensive data auditing and validation processes.

Why you need our Power BI Consulting Services

NerdOrGeek’s model is approx. 50% more cost and time-effective than a full-time in-house Power BI Developer/Analyst & other Analytic firms.
We’ll help you with data analysis, visualization and gain deeper insights into your data.

Get more actionable-insight from your data

Our model is 50% more cost & time-effective.

Excel to BI

Automate Excel reports into Power BI dashboards for enhanced visualization (with documentation).

Custom Dashboards

Custom-tailored Power BI solutions for efficient data visualization across multiple data sources.


Resolve Power BI issues for accurate and reliable reporting (data feeds, inaccuracies related to calculations, report output discrepancies, etc).

Data Quality Audit

Ensure data integrity through comprehensive data auditing and validation processes.

Marketing Automation
Our team has a successful track record of helping brands.
Content Marketing
Our team has a successful track record of helping brands scale profitably based on high-performing strategies. E-commerce brands can acquire and retain new customers using solutions that span the entire customer journey.
Social Media Marketing
Leads are nurtured through our email, SMS, and automation services, resulting in customer acquisition and retention.
Growth drives everything we do

Our leadership team has over 22 years of collective experience in diverse industries ranging from: Startups, Banking, Insurance, Law Enforcement, Tradeshow, Distributor, Retail, Agricultural and Non-profit.
We’re able to match your pace of growth seamlessly. We possess the expertise to visualize and tackle any business challenge you encounter.


Job Success


ROI with Power BI

What our awesome customers say

Our team has a successful track record of helping brands find efficient and mutually beneficial solutions with the utmost quality.

“Flexible, dependable & talented in all things Power BI. Jason helped us build the Prototype we needed for our Power BI dashboard.”

- Jay

“Jason was great. He was responsive, easy to work with and produce a great looking dashboard for us. I have to work with her soon!”

- Paul

“Jason helped us with a client’s dashboard and we appreciate his dedication to a quality job.”

- Daniel

22+ Years of Collective Experience

For the following industries: Startups, Banking, Insurance, Law Enforcement, Tradeshow, Distributor, Retail, Agricultural, and Non-profit.

Your first Power BI strategy session is on us!

We can solve any business problem.